giraffen Krugerpark

giraffen Krugerpark

50 x 60 cm, © 2020, € 380,00
Tweedimensionaal | Schilderkunst | Aquarel
Getoond op Open atelier (kunstroute Haagse Beemden Breda)

They were very far away, but closing in on me rapidly. With their strong long legs, and thrusting their necks as waves on the water surface. Fast and in slow motion at the same time as moving in a dimension with other laws of nature.

Just in front of me the herd crossed the road. They kept an eye on each other, the males, females, their young, all waited for the others to cross and gather.

They showed themselves to me, their extraordinary beauty and gave me a reason to paint and share.

Miracles exist, if we just notice them.